Rural smallholder farmers, like those in Homa Bay, face problems such as soil degradation, dependence on rainfall, inadequate access to inputs, and a lack of support for entrepreneurship. To address these problems, CREATS supports agricultural transformation in Homa Bay by helping communities change their approach to agriculture from a cultural activity to modern, sustainable, market-oriented small-scale production. We assist farmers to shift from a subsistence-based farming approach to a reliable business opportunity that can enhance and promote development, and prioritize strategies like soil-testing for fertilizer use during production, organic farming, and market-focused agriculture.


Poverty and dependency have increasingly become the order of the day in Kenya’s rural areas, exacerbating rural-urban migration, crime, unemployment, and hunger, and preventing economic growth and development in rural communities. CREATS supports agricultural entrepreneurs by offering capacity building, support for small business development, and market and financial linkages to small businesses in the community. .

We also recognize that sustainable development must strive towards equity and inclusiveness, which is why we actively involve youth and women in decision making and economic growth.


The rural poor in Kenya depend primarily on environmental wellbeing and natural resources for survival. The depletion of forests, water catchments, and soil jeopardizes the survival of communities like Homa Bay. CREATS supports projects that protect the environment while creating wealth. .

We emphasize the establishment of environmental business-oriented projects like tree nurseries for sale, and fodder production for soil conservation. As part of our capacity-building projects, we also provide technical knowledge of nature-based solutions for pest control, and promote organic farming, small enterprise development and livelihood diversification as climate change adaptation strategy.

Build. Transform. Sustain.

Creats International is helping struggling communities in rural Kenya develop the skills they need to autonomously battle against poverty and hunger

We do this acting upon three focus areas:

  • Agricultural Transformation

  • Improving Rural Healthcare

  • Improving Rural Education

Center for Rural Empowerment,
Agricultural Transformation, and Sustainability