Mar 18, 2024

Localizing Development through the first-ever grassroots Agri Expo in Oyugis

Creats International held the first-ever grassroots Agricultural Expo at Rawinji chief’s camp, Oyugis on 14th March 2024. The expo aimed to provide stakeholders with a platform to promote their products and services, network with farmers, and bolster agricultural productivity. Seven exhibitors attended the event including, Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB), Yara fertilizer, Mazao Plus Ltd, Bidco Africa, Greenlife, and Chains of Work Community Project.

Over one hundred farmers engaged with the exhibitors and were satisfied with the event. The exhibitors were particularly pleased to engage with farmers and sell their products. Mr. Geoffrey, Regional sales lead Bidco Africa said, "This Agri Expo gave us a chance to promote our products at the community level and we are looking forward to participating in future events such as this. It was such a great idea that provided us the opportunity to interact with farmers, that we sold three bags"

The Agri Expo was such a huge success with room for improvement next time. We look forward to doing this again next time.