
Access to clean and potable water remains a perennial challenge in Homa Bay County, Kenya. In rural areas, such as Sino Kagola in Homa Bay County, women and girls walk more than 12 km to get water, which is often unsafe to drink.

The lack of water puts pressure on women’s time and education pursuits. It also exposes women and girls to sexual and gender-based violence resulting in teenage pregnancy, early child marriage, and increasing cases of HIV/AIDS.

You can help change this situation today by donating $30, $50, $100, and $500 to help us complete the borehole we are sinking in Sino Kagola.

Your generous donation will bring clean water to this marginalized community and reduce the adversities that lack of water imposes on women, girls, and the community at large. This project will enhance the community's resilience to climate change, boost food security, and promote gender equality.

Together, we can create a brighter future for all.